The Cortina 9 x 7 Shed is modern in every way. A sloping roof above the windows has a sleek. modern design to store your belongings in eye-catching style. Its double walls are made from Evotech. our innovative composite material that gives you the beautiful look and feel of wood with the benefits of resin. This extremely durable shed is completely weather-resistant and maintenance-free – it won’t rust. rot or peel. Add extra features like steel bars for added strength. secure and convenient lockable double doors (locks not included). ventilation on both sides. a roof that can support up to 150kg of snow load and a heavy-duty floor that’s strong enough to support a riding mower. mower and you have a shed that works hard and looks great.
Features of this product: Extremely durable and strong. double-wall construction
Heavy-duty floors Reinforced
walls and roof
Strong and lockable double doors (lock not included)
Top and side windows provide extra light
Made from innovative Evotech panels Elegant natural wood look and feel
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